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The Amazing Pea Stone Garden EBook

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User reviews of The Amazing Pea Stone Garden EBook

Name: Linda McGee
Score: 94%
Review: Quite an interesting book, in ebook form.
There are two things that I liked about this ebook:
1) the format was surprisingly well curated, it looks like a great book that one might find at a bookstore, I printed it on my color printer, double sided, put a hard cover and it looks fabulous.
2) the content! WOW! following the simple and well explained instructions enabled me to beautify my front yard on a budget in a way that really makes me look like I have a green thumb. I am looking forward to see how the trick of proliferation of planting will give me a supply of planting to put somewhere else on my garden or give to my friends and family.
I wish it was available in print form, I would have given one to my mom for mother's day.

Name: P Masterson
Score: 100%
Review: I found this E Book Amazing!. An enjoyable read for which the author shows an In depth practical knowledge on how to achieve a very different look to a piece of youre Garden which makes it unique in many ways.