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SlingShot Options

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User reviews of SlingShot Options

Name: allan segal
Score: 10%
Review: Watch out!! After subscribing to the service and logging on to their web site, you can study their trading records for the last few years. The trading record is bad and nothing to brag about. So...bottom line watch out....they will NOT give you a refund.

Name: Steve
Score: 1%
Review: I signed up for Slignshot options about 6 months ago. The daily alerts are filled with typos and not very professionally done. I lost much more money than I made. Not much of a system IMO. Use extremely small positions or paper trade to form your own opinion. Be careful, don't blindly follow their system or you will watch your money evaporate.

Name: Ravi
Score: 97%
Review: Slingshot options has turned out to be pretty cool. At first i couldn't understand the signals but then i got used to them so now its easy. They trade really cheap options near expiration on their sling trade swing trade system. I've made a lot of money with their gold service people. I don't know if i should be telling you but i guess it's ok since they said they won't take too many members. I am just telling you what i experienced. i hope yours is the same as me.