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Crazy Bachelor Party Game

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User reviews of Crazy Bachelor Party Game

Name: Kat
Score: 95%
Review: I ordered this for my botfriend, he was planning a bachelor party for a friend. After the purchase I checked it out, and was surprised that it wasn't really as dirty as I thought, Just a bunch of guys having a good time. They did say that the game could be changed to suit your needs. Worked for us.

Name: Stan
Score: 100%
Review: Just the fact that you could download the whole game right away saved me. I waited till the last minute to plan something for my buddies bachelor party, I was scrambling on the web. This site had everything I needed. To top it off, it's a good product - we all had a great time. I'd recommend it to another best man.

Name: Joseph
Score: 97%
Review: I was reading the site and must admit, I didn't think it could be that great. I downloaded everything right away, and checked it out. There was even a download for the guys that were going, everyone knew the plan, and the system worked out much better than I thought. I was happy about the purchase.