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User reviews of BPowerHouse

Name: Alex
Score: 1%
Review: It's unfortunate 0 stars isn't an option. Save yourself the trouble. Any positive reviews are guaranteed to be the clown running the site. Just google "Bpowerhouse scam," and read a real review. You'll also see the rotten owner that uses the name Alexander, trying to defend the reviews by insulting and publicly giving away as much private information of the customers he has at his disposal ....You've been warned..

Quick facts:
-Testimonial on their site are fake.
-All scripts they sell are garbage and don't properly work.
-Some items on their "portfolio" are not their work. However, it's obvious which ones are.
-If your serious about what ever endeavor your looking to start, go elsewhere if you plan to be successful.
-Do not be drawn in by their "to good to be true" prices.
-Many were and paid the price.
-You will NEVER get your money back, your only hope is to go through your bank and try to reverse the charges and pray...
-Oh yes one more thing, where is this company located (Israel is as much info you'll get)? Who owns it? Nobody knows and good luck trying to find out.

Name: Koffman
Score: 100%
Review: Excellent company, very professional, fast and reliable