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Aeron Forex Auto Trader

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User reviews of Aeron Forex Auto Trader

Name: jc
Score: 50%
Review: it works but have not made any money on it, sometime it would be in the money maybe a few pips and down few pip so it back and forth, i don't know if it can exit on it own i had it running for 2 days sometime it drop so bad i think why it dosen't exit out and buy a sell or when it heading up man i just watch and see what it will do but nothing it just keep running i know i could had made some money on the trend going down and up but i don't understand why the auto trader don't exit any winning trade so i can make some money, any ways i use a demo acct. so it dosen't matter if i make money but it let me know tat the auto trader it good or not. before i open a live acct. or a refund.